My Fields of Work

In my sessions with adolescents and their families, adults, families and couples, I continue to work on anxiety disorders, mood disorders, self-perception, psychosocial issues, phobias, obsessions, addictions and weight control.

psikolog, terapist

About Me

I studied in METU Foundation Primary and High Schools, in Ankara. I did complete the bachelor’s degree in psychology at Bilkent University with merit scholarship and ranked at the first place among other graduates. I had the master’s of science degree in menteal health studies at King’s College London, supported by Jean Monnet Scholarship, Commssion of European Union. I did complete training and supervision in cognitive behavioural therapy and functioned as an assistant psychologist in NHS Foundation Trust, South London and Maudlsey Lambeth Hospital. I had functioned as clinical psychologist at Madalyon Psychiatry Center in Ankara between 2015 and 2016, at Güven Çayyolu Health Living Campus between 2016 and 2019, at Madalyon Psychiatry Center, Suadiye and Levent, İstanbul between September and November 2019, at Korto Psychology Erenköy and Nişantaşı between November 2019 and March 2021 . I did complete trainings in schema therapy, acceptance and committment therapy (mindfulness and self-compassion), group psychotherapy, cultural psychology, expressive art psychotherapy, neurocognitive music therapy and family and couples therapy. I did complete PhD program in clinical psychology in Middle East Technical University and  the dissertation was on somatic symptoms of several psychological disorders across different cultures. I am currently running psychological counseling sessions in Istanbul. I do also run online psychological counseling sessions as well.

Click for Detailed CV

Psychotherapy as a gate open to awareness


Mindfulness is not only being “here-and-now” but it is also being aware of your thoughts, emotions and self in the current moment. 


Compassionate embodied mindfulness is having compassion to others when one is suffering from pain.


Self-compassion is being aware of and friend with your critical and judgmental aspects without judging yourself to have them.

Resistant to Pain

The pain would be stronger when one is trying to get avoid of it. The most functional way to deal with it is having space for it and trying to understand the things that are wanted to be told by it.

Emotional Needs

One has basic emotional needs as well, besides the physical ones. Those are expression of needs and emotions, spontaneity, autonomy, realistic limits and secure attachment.

Emotional Literacy

The ability to understand ones’s own and others’ emotions. This ability could be developed by psychotherapy. 


Mindfulness is not only being “here-and-now” but it is also being aware of your thoughts, emotions and self in the current moment.


Compassionate embodied mindfulness is having compassion to others when one is suffering from pain.


Self-compassion is being aware of and friend with your critical and judgmental aspects without judging yourself to have them.

Resistant to Pain

The pain would be stronger when one is trying to get avoid of it. The most functional way to deal with it is having space for it and trying to understand the things that are wanted to be told by it. 

Emotional Needs

One has basic emotional needs as well, besides the physical ones. Those are expression of needs and emotions, spontaneity, autonomy, realistic limits and secure attachment.

Emotional Literacy

The ability to understand ones’s own and others’ emotions. This ability could be developed by psychotherapy. 

Client Testimonials

I met with Melisa when I had panic attacks and felt very desperate and depressed. She declared that we need to understand the underlying causes of the attacks at the very first place. She sheded light onto my road o self. I did also experienced to not blame and criticise myself and being more compassionate to myself. At the end of the sessions, I do not have any other panic attacks and besides I learned to be more compassionate to myself and my emotional needs. 
I was 117 kg and 67-years old. I was referred to Weight Control Program and met with Melisa. She was very attentive, frank and kind to me. She helped me to understand myself in depth by giving reading and thinking homeworks between sessions. I did explore the relationship between body fat and the psychology. Now I am losing weight and contuning on the healthy living life styles. 
Melisa is the first psychologist I have ever met. She was very frank to me and my family and gave me the faith that everything will be okay at the very begining. I did pass over my despair regarding to not be okay with her. She is a very succesful, idealist and kind psychologist. I felt very comfortable with her all the time. I am strongly recommending her for exploring yourself and having more functional perceptive in life. 
I met with her in the smoking cessation program. I did quit smoking and gained new functional perspectives and awarenesses. Her attitude was very kind, frank and professional at the same time. 

em gereken farkındalıkları yaşamıma katmama çok önemli faydası oldu. Diğer doktorlara göre öğretilmiş bilgi aktarır gibi değil samimiyetle aile dostu gibi yaklaştı ,buda mevcut süreci ciddi anlamda hızlandırıp başarıyla sonuçlanmasına sebep oldu.Samimi ,profesyönel ve genç yaşına rağmen tecrübeli uzmanlara taş çıkartacak derecede etkili.Samimiyetini karşı tarafa çok rahat geçirebiliyor ve güven kazanmada çok iyi.

I met with Melisa in the smoking cessation program. I was smoking and suffering from some obsessions. Now I quit smoking and none of my obsessions are remaining. Each of use need support in different stages of our lives and I strongly recommend her. She is gentle, professional and humanistic. She is very succesful in teaching new functional perspectives.
I had psychotherapy sessions from her because of depressive and anxious symptoms. To be honest, I did not expect much from psychotherapy at the beginning. Yet Melisa was very gentle, eager to understand and listen me, frank and professional. I gained new thinking patterns and felt as if I reborned. She did give me thinking and reading homeworks during the processes which were very helpful to me. I could easily reach her even after the sessions were ended. I strongly recommend her. 
T. A.
S. A.
S. T.
İ. B.
E. M.
Z. K.


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Neden aldatırız | Melisa Paker

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Birçok insanın ilişkisi içerisinde en çok korktuğu şeydir aldatılmak. Aldatılan kişi, kendisinin yetersiz, değersiz, tercih edilmeyen ve hatta sevilmeyen birisi olduğunu düşünür ve bunları düşünme ihtimali bile birçoğumuz için oldukça sarsıcıdır. Peki, ama neden aldatırız? Ancak son dönemde yapılan...

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